Bordeaux Events And More aims to support and encourage bike commuters! To encourage eco-friendly commutes among employees, BEAM has given bike owners the possibility of bringing theirs in for servicing.

“I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike!”


More and more BEAM employees are becoming bike commuters! And we couldn’t be happier!😊

Who are these “bike commuters”? They are employees who choose to cycle to and from work. This includes those who bike to work daily, occasionally or just once a year!

To further reward and motivate employees to cycle to work, BEAM has provided some of its bike commuters with a preventive service.

The employees dropped their bikes off in the morning and picked them up after work. The company covered the costs for the diagnosis and inspection, while the owners paid for any repairs.

BEAM worked with a travelling bike repair shop, ATELIER REVI, to carry out the maintenance or repair of employees’ bicycles at their workplace. The shop has received recognition for its commitment to sustainable practices through certification from Répar’Acteurs and gold certification from the Éco-Défis programme, which promotes waste reduction and environmentally friendly habits.

A total of 11 bikes benefited from this check-up service.

ATELIER REVI also handles maintenance for BEAM’s bike fleet.

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