Stéphane Kintzig, Managing Director of BEAM, shares his optimism for a local events sector on the offensive, and reviews key issues of the moment, such as European objectives and business tourism in Bordeaux.

You’ve been at the helm of BEAM for 5 years. Can you tell us about your activity?

BEAM is an independent company with its earliest origins in the Foire de Bordeaux [Bordeaux Fair] of 1916. More than a century later, it now embodies two separate professions: venue management – we operate five sites-, and event producer, our historical activity. We also support local sectors by organising trade events such as Vinitech-Sifel, Exp’Hôtel, and UAV Show, as well as public events including the Jumping International de Bordeaux, Foire de Bordeaux and BAD+, the contemporary art & design fair.

On the venue management side, we host congresses, conventions, fairs and shows, which amount to 250 to 300 events annually, attracting more than 700,000 participants. In this regard, we are now a key player in Bordeaux’s business tourism sector.

On a daily basis, that’s a team of more than 100 employees working for our clients’ satisfaction!

What is the economic impact of business tourism for Bordeaux?

Business tourism is a real economic dynamo, as our current figures demonstrate. On a national scale, according to UNIMEV[1] figures, events attract 50 million participants and generate €20 billion annually. With regard to Bordeaux as a destination, we host around 4,000 events per year, across some thirty different venues.

We estimate that BEAM’s activity generates €300 million for the region. These revenues benefit an entire ecosystem of hotels, restaurants, transport and leisure activities and more.

In your view, what are the main challenges facing the business tourism sector at present?

The age when everyone predicted that virtuality would take over from physical encounters is past. In this context, I believe business tourism is facing two major challenges. The first is to succeed in embellishing the encounter so that it becomes as memorable and profitable as possible for our participants. The second is to become even more responsible and sustainable in the organisation of our events.

How do local players, such as BEAM, contribute to this ecosystem?

The success of this ecosystem resides in the close collaboration between local players, such as the Tourist & Congress Office and local authorities, driven by a clear, joint policy. We are committed, as one, to responsible business tourism in line with sustainability goals. This synergy is bolstered by a common road map which guides our actions. I’d also like to underline the key role of Bordeaux Convention Bureau, which actively promotes the destination among organisers and national or international operators, and thus contributes to its attractiveness.

As we head into autumn 2024, what are BEAM’s aims and projects?

We have all the resources at our disposal to target events of a larger scale. Our present aim is to accelerate the development of congresses, European events and the entertainment sector. In terms of production, we continue to develop our offers to meet sector expectations. One such example is the creation of a dedicated sales and marketing area at our upcoming Vinitech-Sifel show. At the same time, BEAM, which is already ISO 20121-certified, will boost its CSR actions.

How does the events sector influence societal and economic changes in our society?

By gathering influential experts from a very specific field in one place, an event contributes to the sharing of knowledge and progress in a medical or scientific sector, and for the benefit of society. In a way, we play a part in improving our tomorrows and way of life. The future is shaped during these events!

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