Archives des Interview - Bordeaux Events And More

“Business tourism is an economic dynamo”

Stéphane Kintzig, Managing Director of BEAM, shares his optimism for a local events sector on the offensive, and reviews key issues of the moment, such as European objectives and business tourism in Bordeaux.
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French Firefighters Choose Bordeaux for their Congress!

Bordeaux Exhibition Centre and Palais 2 l’Atlantique will host the French Firefighters’ Congress in 2027! The fruit of an extensive process, this great news is also the result of a collective effort by the BEAM team, which includes Congress & Show Development Officers Valérie Chevrant-Menichini and Charlotte Grapton. Efficient and unfailingly cheerful, this dynamic duo reveals the process that led to a multi-faceted offer, boosted by an attractive destination.
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Bordeaux’s hospitality sector: a collective strength

President of Bordeaux Métropole Hoteliers’ Club and Director of Operations for Seeko’o Hotel, Séverine Perrier shares her expert insight on the local hotel sector. We take an inspiring in-depth look at a unified and agile sector, ever ready to adapt to new ways of life.
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Don't miss...
our next events
from 06.02.2025 to 08.02.2025


Palais 2 l’Atlantique
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news from our 5 locations

Professor Stéphane Lafitte: ‘Grounding knowledge, expertise and sharing’

October saw the successive hosting of four medical and scientific congresses of national and international significance. Destination Bordeaux was the venue of choice to host these important gatherings, such as the 19th edition of Echo Cardio Bordeaux. Professor Stéphane Lafitte, Chairman of its organising committee and member of the scientific committee, gives us an insight.
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Maritime Economy Forum (AEM): Bordeaux to host an edition devoted to the transition of the maritime economy

Philippe Fourrie, co-founder of the Ilago agency and coordinator of the Maritime Economy Forum [Assises de l’Economie de la Mer - AEM], the 19th edition of which will take place at Bordeaux Congress Centre on 19 and 20 November, takes us behind the scenes of this key event for maritime sector players. Organised since 2005 by Le Marin, a specialist publication by the Ouest-France press group, this annual event brings together key policymakers and experts from the sector which alone represents 1.5% of France’s GDP.
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