Faced with the economic, energy, environmental, social and technological challenges we are confrontred with, we are constantly reinventing ourselves. Being one step ahead is a real driving force for us, a source of additional motivation. This constantly pushes us to commit ourselves to our clients, our audiences and our partners.

Our Corporate Social Responsibility policy

A responsible event

In 2022, after several months of work, BEAM has obtained ISO 20121 certification. This international standard dedicated to a more responsible event industry recognises the mobilisation of all the teams involved on a daily basis for more virtuous events. This fine distinction awarded by AFNOR concerns its two activities, event production and event site management, for a period of 3 years.

Our actions in 2021

Convinced that events are an essential communication channel, we are committed to spreading the principles of Sustainable Development to improve our footprint on the planet.

Our commitments:

  1. Optimise energy management
  2. Reduce the environmental impact of our activities
  3. Promoting digital sobriety
  4. Improve the quality of life at work
  5. Integrating diversity
  6. Involving stakeholders
  7. Implement a responsible purchasing policy

Our connections with the economic and associative fabric

We work on a daily basis to develop the events industry as well as the influence of the destination Bordeaux.

Our network

We are a member of several professional event associations in Aquitaine, in France and abroad:

  • Coesio
  • Bordeaux Lac Resort
  • Bordeaux Gironde Investissement
  • International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA)
  • MEDEF Mouvement des Entreprises de France (BEAM, Administrateur)
  • Office Métropolitain de Tourisme et de Congrès (BEAM, Vice-Président)
  • UFI – Union des Foires Internationales (BEAM, membre créateur)
  • UNIMEV – Union Française des Métiers de l’Événement (BEAM, Administrateur)
  • UMENA – Union des Métiers de l’événementiel de la Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Our values

Embodied by the strength of this “MORE” which pushes us to be more human, more responsible, more innovative, closer, more radiant, More BEAM, we are redefining our business & our DNA.

We are no longer simply operators of sites dedicated to professional tourism, nor even simple organisers of trade fairs or shows, we are creators of meetings.

Meetings that reflect our values

  • Excellence
  • Innovation
  • Respect
  • Pleasure
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news from our 5 locations

Professor Stéphane Lafitte: ‘Grounding knowledge, expertise and sharing’

October saw the successive hosting of four medical and scientific congresses of national and international significance. Destination Bordeaux was the venue of choice to host these important gatherings, such as the 19th edition of Echo Cardio Bordeaux. Professor Stéphane Lafitte, Chairman of its organising committee and member of the scientific committee, gives us an insight.
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Maritime Economy Forum (AEM): Bordeaux to host an edition devoted to the transition of the maritime economy

Philippe Fourrie, co-founder of the Ilago agency and coordinator of the Maritime Economy Forum [Assises de l’Economie de la Mer - AEM], the 19th edition of which will take place at Bordeaux Congress Centre on 19 and 20 November, takes us behind the scenes of this key event for maritime sector players. Organised since 2005 by Le Marin, a specialist publication by the Ouest-France press group, this annual event brings together key policymakers and experts from the sector which alone represents 1.5% of France’s GDP.
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