Meet Jenny Trupin, Associate Director of COMM Santé, the Bordeaux-based communications agency dedicated to healthcare.
Organiser of the SOFOG congress to be held from 1 to 3 December 2021, Comm Santé is a communications agency specialising in healthcare and involved in supporting major public health causes. We spoke to Jenny Trupin, Associate Director, about the company's mission and also about the specific organisation of this forthcoming congress in Bordeaux, in this very special health context.
Could you tell us about COMM Santé?
COMM Santé is a 360-degree communications agency dedicated to the healthcare sector. Our DNA is to take on public health issues and translate them into a variety of communications media. Our strategies are deployed by a team divided into several complementary areas: Digital Communication and Social Media, Press Relations and Influence, Medical Education, Management of learned societies and patient associations.
This all-round support for communications projects has been at the heart of the agency for 25 years. We are also heavily involved in the field of serious and chronic illnesses, and oncology.
Today, COMM Santé has 25 employees based in Bordeaux. We have a move in the pipeline, having found new premises in Talence. My partner Céline Dupré and I have learned a number of positive lessons from the health crisis. Our team has shown great flexibility, with efficient teleworking across the board and the deployment of digital technology at every level. This adaptation was possible because we were already prepared for a transition and because we can count on committed men and women at our side. We are doing everything we can to maintain this momentum.
You've just mentioned the deployment of digital technology within the agency, how far have you got?
We had already started to ramp up our Digital Communications department, both internally and for our customers' projects. The crisis we've been experiencing since March 2020 has simply accelerated the transformation that was already underway. We've worked hard to digitise our businesses and processes at breakneck speed. At the end of the day, the most complicated thing is managing external uncertainties, particularly in the context of our events business. However, we have mastered the codes of a digital congress, which means we can support our customers with hybrid events.
In this regard, you are organising the SOFOG (Société Francophone d'Onco-Gériatrie) congress, which will focus on Onco-Gériatrie, in Bordeaux from 1 to 3 December 2021. Could you tell us more about this event?
The SOFOG congress is a benchmark double entry event, covering two specialities: oncology and geriatrics. It has a real information objective, with a focus on the latest developments in these disciplines, because we have to recognise that these two sectors are in the process of developing. We have been working for a number of years with SOFOG, an association that is very committed to the subject of geriatrics, which takes on a special dimension when it comes to elderly cancer patients. This explains why we decided to hold an event combining these two themes in order to shed light on the issues for healthcare professionals.
As far as the logistics of the conference are concerned, we have planned a hybrid format. However, it is important to point out that digital technology is not intended as a palliative to face-to-face meetings, but as a complementary and powerful channel for disseminating information.
Through our experience, we have identified that a hybrid event opens the door to new audiences. In the case of SOFOG, it allows specialists in geriatrics to attend sessions dedicated to their discipline without having to attend the entire congress and the presentations on cancer, which do not directly affect them. In this way, we can offer them ‘à la carte’ content.
Digital technology is an excellent way of maximising the impact of the conference.
Even so, the event will be held over 3 days in person, in strict compliance with health regulations at the Cité Mondiale Convention Centre, with participants from the medical profession happy to be able to get together.
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