President of the Club Hôtelier Bordeaux Métropole and Operations Director for Seeko'o Hôtel, Séverine Perrier uses her expert eye to dissect current developments in the local hotel sector.
It's an exciting opportunity to take stock of a sector that is supportive, agile and always ready to adapt to new lifestyles.
Launched in 2019, the Club Hôtelier covers a wide range of missions, without taking the form of a trade union...
Absolutely, the CHBM is first and foremost an association whose identity can be summed up in four intentions: to animate, facilitate, communicate and radiate. By coming together as a group of hotel managers, we are able to work on common issues while maintaining a mission to raise awareness among hoteliers. Over the years, we have acquired a level of legitimacy that enables us to be consulted by institutional partners and to act as a privileged point of reference for information going up and down the chain. With our 80 members, we form, along with a whole chain of economic players including BEAM, the links in a single chain committed to supporting and defending Bordeaux as a destination.
Can you quantify the current local hotel offer?
To date, Bordeaux Metropole has 188 hotels and residences, with a total of 13,307 rooms. It should be noted that the majority of these establishments are 3* and 4* stars (47%), while we have six 5* hotels. Our region has a significant track record, enabling us to meet the demands of major event organisers.
What is the relationship between the local hotel offer and business tourism?
The two go hand in hand and have everything to gain from developing fluid, cross-disciplinary communication! Here's a concrete example to illustrate the point: let's imagine that a call for tenders is issued for Bordeaux as a destination. BEAM then informs the Hotel Club of the announcement, and although we can't take the place of an agency, we then do everything we can to encourage hoteliers to be reactive and to commit their contingents to maximising their chances of winning. So it's a win-win relationship, because together we can raise the profile of a destination and put the whole local economy to work!
Collaboration seems to play an essential role...
Solidarity is an essential value on which the hotel industry and all the players in the tourism ecosystem rely! This network is made up of a number of different entities, all of which are highly complementary in terms of the visitor's experience: the Tourist Office, Bordeaux airport, BEAM, the Hotel Club and public transport, soft mobility, etc. Our rare cohesion is also reflected in the creation of the ‘Bordeaux Bienvenue’ brand, of which we are a part.
What are the strengths of the local hotel offer?
Firstly, its diversity, with independent hotels as well as chains and brands... This heterogeneity is able to meet the requirements of a wide range of guests. Secondly, its strong commitment to the environment. The hotels in the Bordeaux area are committed to a CSR approach, represented among other things by a high proportion of labels, including "Clef verte". Within the Club Hôteliers, more than 60% of our members now hold the label. Our visitors are increasingly sensitive to the issue of eco-responsibility, which is becoming a real guarantee required of hotel establishments, and logically, a selling point.
Launched by the Bordeaux Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau, this scheme is designed to offer visitors a tailor-made welcome and a memorable experience in our region. Business tourism customers are future ambassadors par excellence. Once they are satisfied with their experience, once they are aware of the exceptional strength of our ecosystem and the fluidity that reigns here, it's a safe bet that they'll come back again, on a personal level!
What are the strengths of the local hotel offer?
Firstly, its diversity, comprising independent hotels as well as chains and brands... This heterogeneity is able to meet the requirements of a wide range of audiences. Secondly, its strong commitment to the environment. The hotels in the Bordeaux area are committed to a CSR approach, represented by a high proportion of labels, including ‘Clef verte’. Within the Club Hôteliers, more than 60% of our members are now certified. Our visitors are increasingly sensitive to the issue of eco-responsibility, which is becoming a real guarantee required of hotel establishments, and logically, a selling point.
What are the major trends in hotels today?
Undeniably, the experience at all costs, coupled with the local aspect. Establishments will be trying to give guests an experience of Bordeaux and in Bordeaux during their stay. Local produce at breakfast, sharing of tips and tricks, introduction to life in the neighbourhood...
Today, the hotel offer is keen to open up to the outside world, welcoming all the wealth of talent in the city and the surrounding area. This mindset works both ways: by hosting events but also by encouraging local residents to come in. Gone are the days when people came to the hotel just to sleep! The latest trends are also naturally adapted to today's customs and lifestyles, like the coworking centres that are springing up here and there.